Monday, 24 February 2020

Books I'm loving: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

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🍬Do you loan your books?🍬 ⁠ ⁠ I gleefully pressed this into the hands of a friend, but can't remember who it was, and I've missed it on my shelf ever since. So when I recently ran across it in a charity shop, I snapped up another copy because I loved it so much!⁠ ⁠ From the description: Rosemary's young, just at college, and she's decided not to tell anyone a thing about her family. So we're not going to tell you too much either: you'll have to find out for yourselves, round about page 77, what it is that makes her unhappy family unlike any other.⁠ ⁠ Rosemary is now an only child, but she used to have a sister the same age as her, and an older brother. Both are now gone - vanished from her life. There's something unique about Rosemary's sister, Fern. And it was this decision, made by her parents, to give Rosemary a sister like no other, that began all of Rosemary's trouble.⁠

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Books I'm loving: Ordinary People by Diane Evans

Books I'm loving: Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo

Books I'm loving: If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane

It's US publication day!

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🎉🍹 HAPPY PUBLICATION DAY TO ME! 🍹🎉⁠ ⁠ The day has finally come, when my little book meets its US readers, and I hope you'll love it 💛💙💛 ⁠ ⁠ 🔗Amazon link is in my bio. ⁠ ⁠ SHE NEEDS A GROOM. HE NEEDS A GREEN CARD...⁠ ⁠ When rising social media star, Nelly Roberts, is left in the lurch with not just a wedding but also the country’s biggest magazine feature on the line, she has no choice but to substitute one groom for another. Luckily, Rafael Moreno Cortes needs a visa, so they make a deal: act the perfect couple for as long as it takes to get them both what they want. The catch? Absolutely nobody can know the truth.⁠ ⁠ With the magazine following their every move, Nelly’s ex re-emerges with a change of heart just as her pretend feelings for Rafael start to be anything but pretend. What could possibly go wrong?⁠ ⁠ 👀 It's $2.99 for the rest of this month before going back up to the regular price of $9.99. 👀⁠

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Books I'm loving: The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell

Books I'm loving: Less by Andrew Sean Greer

Books I'm loving: Louis and Louise by Julie Cohen

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❤ Wow, this blew me away! ⁠💙⁠ ⁠ If the incredibly original and thought-provoking premise of this wasn't enough to keep me turning the pages, then Julie Cohen's wonderfully impacting prose was. ⁠ ⁠ The story of a single baby born but two lives lived, one as a male and one as a female, and the ways their lives were different as a result, or weren't, was so deftly interwoven throughout, and I especially loved the 'spot the difference' element running through the narrative. ⁠ ⁠ It took me a few minutes to grasp why the stories diverged (because of course there are knock-on consequences to every action in one's life), and thinking about the implications of those was one of the many many joys of this book. ⁠ ⁠ I HIGHLY recommend reading this book!⁠

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